
Rocks, Ruins and Reindeer

The final half of our mapping project was completed after our trip to Narsaq (read the blog on that here). We returned well-rested and excited to live in the village we had begun to see as home again. In Narsaq we had had a chance to review the work we’d completed on our mapping areas… Continue reading Rocks, Ruins and Reindeer


A Break, Bakes, and Fish Steaks: Our Week in Narsaq

Six weeks is a long time to be walking a least 15 km a day, looking at rocks, and coming home to a tent each night, so we decided to break the whole thing in half. Three weeks into our mapping project, we took a week off. For this week we went to the nearby… Continue reading A Break, Bakes, and Fish Steaks: Our Week in Narsaq


Rocks, Rain and Rest Days

We are still alive!! A few days off the half way mark of our trip and so far, so good…mostly. We thought we would give you an update on our adve ntures. Sorry we haven’t been able to post as much as we had hoped; internet is expensive and can only be bought in a… Continue reading Rocks, Rain and Rest Days

Planning the trip

An interview to remember

It was for the first application we sent in; our application was still rough around the edges so we thought we might be rejected straight out. But then the email came...we had been invited to interview in front of a panel to justify why our project was better than the others applying. We had a… Continue reading An interview to remember

Planning the trip

Putting the Fun in Funding

'Should I talk about trying to find funding on the blog?' It was a question I had to pose to my team mates at our latest meeting. No one jumped up to answer me. It's the part of the trip that's most uncertain, that we have the least answers to. How can we talk about… Continue reading Putting the Fun in Funding